Gnostic Institute of Anthropology
— Thailand —


Gnostic Institute of Anthropology

The Gnostic Institute of Anthropology is the precursor of a new era of deep psychological changes, it is an institution formed by men and women who have assumed the unusual task of revolutionizing themselves, seeking their own intimate self-realization.

The Gnostic Institute of Anthropology is not just another school, but the vehicle through which the Gnosis of yesterday, today, and forever is expressed. It is the organization for the dissemination of the Gnostic Teachings delivered by the V.M. Samael Aun Weor.

The Gnostic Institute of Anthropology does not pursue profit, it works exclusively so that all people, without distinction of social or cultural level, age, sex, race, or belief, can benefit from these teachings.

Its purposes are:


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Address: House No. 62/20 (Dead End), Group No. 14, Street 4 (Wat U Mong), Suthep Road, Suthep Subdistrict, Mueang Chiang Mai District, Chiang Mai Province 50200, Thailand.

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Next International Gnostic Congress of Anthropology, in Greece, Greece -2025-. More information



Perennial and Universal Philosophy

Gnosis is the original source of knowledge; it is the wisdom-synthesis that shone in the great serpentine civilizations of Antiquity.

It is the essence of all religions and spiritual traditions of the past. It is necessary to distinguish between essence and religious forms. Religious forms expire over time, the essence always remains and only changes its clothes over time.

Gnosis is the transcendental and transformative wisdom that teaches humanity to see, hear and touch all the mysteries of all ages and the Universe.

Gnosis is a perennial and universal philosophy, it is the religion-wisdom of the early times of humanity, it is the metaphysical and hidden system of religions, only visible to initiates.

The study and praxis of Gnosis generates a true scientific school of initiation in life, which translates into results in the transformation of the human being into a superior type of man, who achieves the awakening of Consciousness and resolves the greatest of all arcana and mysteries: he becomes aware of the enigma of his own existence and takes his place in the historical context of the Universe.

The knowledge of the Gnostic Science encompasses the four pillars of human knowledge: science, art, philosophy, and mysticism.

Budas Thailand

Gnosis is the Doctrine-Synthesis, the primitive of humanity, being therefore its origin as old as the Universe itself.

In fact, the study of Gnosis implies the reunion of man with his real origin, it is the means through which man can develop internally and acquire the ability to conduct himself with balance in his social environment and discover, by himself, the purpose of their existence on earth.

The Gnostic Institute of Anthropology -GIA-, which has offices in numerous countries, imparts Gnostic teachings and periodically organizes congresses, courses, conferences, and practical activities, centred on some subjects of Gnostic study.


Buddha, Siddhārtha Gautama, (6th-5th centuries BC).

No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one should. We ourselves must walk the path. It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory will be yours. They will not be able to take it away from you, neither angels nor demons, heaven or hell.


The wisdom of ancient civilizations.

..."There is a great difference between merely profane Anthropology and Gnostic Anthropology. Merely profane Anthropology, through associations of an intellective type, draws logical deductions that may not agree, in reality really, with the Esoteric Principles of Anahuac, or of the Toltecs, or of Egypt, etc. However, the Gnostic Wisdom, the Gnostic Anthropology, based on precise rules and Eternal Traditional Principles, knows how to extract all the Esoteric Wisdom from the archaic stones. Thus, we must differentiate between Gnostic Anthropology and merely intellective Anthropology.

This is a moment of confusion: Humanity is in a chaotic state, there is a world crisis and bankruptcy of all moral principles; people have gone to war (against each other and all against all).

In this moment of worldwide confusion and bankruptcy of all Hermetic Aphorisms and Principles, we have no choice but to delve into the Wisdom of the past, extract from among the Codices the precise orientation to guide us in the present moment; drink at the traditional source of the August Wisdom of Nature, seek the first channels of Cosmic Wisdom...

The time has come when we must go back, once again, to study the classic books but with a watchful eye, knowing how to take out from among the letter that kills, the Spirit that gives life.

Man, in himself, is a Mystery. The ancients said: “Nosce te Ipsum”. (Man, know yourself and you will know the Universe and the Gods). The time has come to investigate ourselves thoroughly, and go out to meet our own destiny, to delve into the depths of oneself..."

Phra Si Sanphet. Ayutthaya, Thailand. Buddhist temple,

—Excerpt from a conference given by V.M. Samael Aun Weor at the International Gnostic Congress of Anthropology in Guadalajara, Mexico, in 1976—

Science, Art, Philosophy and Mysticism.

Some topics of study: Gnostic Anthropology. The origin of the man. Man-machine: the ego, essence and personality. The four states of consciousness. Meditation: theory and practice. Work on the mind and emotions. The superior existential bodies of the Being. The psychic study of the human being. The sacred mysteries of the serpent. Initiatory Tantrism. The chakras and the higher faculties of man. The mysteries of life and death. The Awakening of Consciousness and Intimate Self-remembering. Lost civilizations and aliens. The dimensions of the Universe. Self-remembering and self-observation. The third state of consciousness.


"Gnostic knowledge reappears in moments of crisis".

V.M. Samael Aun Weor

Founder of the International Gnostic Movement; he is the author of a large number of literary works of a psychological, philosophical, anthropological, and scientific nature. His style as a writer is one of great synthetic power, which is why he is known in some literary circles as "the master of synthesis"

It must be said that Master Samael Aun Weor is a continuator of the work undertaken by the enlightened intelligences of the occult Knowledge, by those who, since time immemorial and even in the past 20th century, crystallized in one way or another the divine Gnosis or Wisdom of all time.

The time has come for us to do an in-depth investigation, to find our own destiny, to delve into the innermost depths of our being.

Maestro Samael Aun Weor

V.M. Litelantes

She was the wife and esoteric collaborator of V.M. Samael Aun Weor. She discovered the jinn states, mentioned by Mr. Mario Roso de Luna and Arnold Krumm-Heller, and collaborated with the Master in the scientific investigation of the vegetable elementals that appear in the Treatise on Occult Medicine.

Maestra Litelantes


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